One of the least understood areas of Light Therapy is what we like to call Photopuncture™ – otherwise known as “acupuncture with light instead of needles”. I have been teaching Equine Photopuncture since the early 2000s and branched out into using and teaching it for pets and humans in the past 5 – 10 years. I love all forms of helping the body with light, but particularly love using a “torch” because I can have it with me everywhere I go.

Photopuncture™: Using a Light Therapy device with a focused beam (sold as Torches, hand held Lights, etc.) to specifically activate energy points (aka acupoints) along the acupuncture meridians. These energy points and their meridians along the body are made up of a special type of electro-magnetic cells called bonham corpuscles. Research has proven that light travels along these meridians just like it does fiber optic cable, opening and balancing the energetic flow in its wake.
This method of helping to balance and heal the body has been used for horses, pets and humans for over 25 years and is now being recognized by acupuncture schools and international light therapy programs as a valuable tool.
Photopuncture™ is usually performed by applying red light directly to the skin above the point for 15 – 180 seconds per point, depending upon the power output of the device.
These same red light devices are also excellent for helping to lower pain and increase circulation in any area of the body that is in need of care. Simply hold the light to the area for 1 – 3 minutes per area at least once a day.
Photonic Therapy Institute offers live classes for learning to locate and use energy points as well as charts and guides. Our unique “Photopuncture Kits” come with beginning Health and Balance point charts for Humans, Horses, Dogs and Cats!