
Certified Photopuncture Therapist – CPT


Photopuncture for Humans Therapist Course. Understanding Energy Flow for Photopuncture. Activate and balance Chi Energy through Principal acupoints. Create your own recipes & protocols to augment any therapeutic modality.  In addition to the online materials, PTI hosts optional live review sessions at  5 pm Pacific on the 1st Wednesday of each month.


Targeted Light Therapy (aka Photonic Acupuncture) for Humans

This course is a combination of online course work and 6 weeks of 2 hours live zoom classes – Tuesdays at 5 pm Pacific – to review the course work and answer questions.

This program is designed for those interested in offering professional Photopuncture services for Humans and is a prerequisite for all Photopuncture Programs. When choosing an extended payment plan, your Diploma will be delivered after final payment is received.

The course includes:

  • Learning to trace the 12 Energetic Meridians and 2 primary Extraordinary Vessels through the body
  • Understanding how the different meridians affect the body both systemically and locally
  • Work with the Principal Acupoints used in Photopuncture
  • Overview of point types and how to combine points to address any issue
  • Charts for Principal, Master, Influential, and Accumulation Points
  • Charts for Human Meridian flow
  • Photopuncture Session Tracking Charts
  • Meridian Quick Reference Guide

Students will be expected to upload weekly homework assignments during the course and complete a post-course practicum consisting of at least 3 Photopuncture sessions for 3 clients with 3 different physical issues.

Prerequisites: Certified Light Therapist (CLT) training through PTI, LETS, or other recognized agencies.
Recommended: A working understanding of energetic testing: Muscle Testing, Applied Kinesiology, Dowsing, etc.
Tools Needed: Participants will need a targeted red light therapy device (aka Red or Red+ Photopuncture Torch or similar) and will do better with a set of at least 2. Lamps, panels, pads, and bulbs are not appropriate for this course.

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