Performance Horse going OFF his Feed!


A Scary Start when getting back to the Barrels!

This past weekend, I wasn’t prepared for my horse going “off feed” at an event. He’s been hauled all over the western USA in the past without issue, but we’ve been home for the past 15 months.

Like always, I premixed his pellets and supplements in baggies. At dinner time, I just add water and serve in a bucket. He surprised me by not touching his bucket feed. He’s always been so good about eating on the road, that i didn’t worry, I thought he’d eat it all overnight. By morning, he still hadn’t eaten.   This was definitely not like him, and scary with his first outing in so long.

We can’t have that! A horse that won’t eat, will colic!  Being prey animals, horses are very stoic, they can hide pain and stress well. If they were to show pain, they’d be the first choice of a predator. This survival mechanism can also be a path to their demise if the human caregivers don’t pay attention.

Shifting into Parasympathetic Mode

I’m glad I was prepared! I gave 60cc of an activated, liquid probiotic called DynaPro from Dynamite Specialty Products  and used Red and Red+2 Photopuncture Torches to activate the Parasympathetic Points along the spinal cord and shift him out of “Fight or Flight” back into “Rest & Digest”.  By the time I lit up the 3rd pair of points, he dove into the bucket and never stopped eating until his meal was gone! The whole treatment took less than 5 minutes of my time.

Going forward, I plan to light up the Parasympathetic points and give DynaPro as soon as we unload at an event, maybe even before loading up!  This proactive measure will help resolve mental and gastric stress that may be caused from hauling. Let me know if you decide to try this idea, and your results.

If you are interested in using Photopuncture for your horses (or dogs or spouses) please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Leslie Maynard, CLT-U
Animal Education Director
Photonic Therapy Institute, LLC
Office:  304.805.4448
Mobile: 520.686.0220