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Short History of Pad-Based PBM Systems

InLight 6 Port System

We often get asked by many of the professional level Pad-Based Light Therapy systems look so much alike.

Much of the original technology for what you see in the InLight, CareLight, HealthLight, NeuroLight (etc.) products was all originally designed by David Melone for Nadine Donahue of BioScan Systems/OmniLight in the early/mid 1990s. By the early 2000s David’s company (Light Emitting Designs) was making many versions of the same products white-labeled for many different companies. The HealthLight brand that David Melone produced at that time was the one to get the first FDA “Clearance” for LED pads under the “heating pad” category of medical equipment. His company was dedicated to working with neuropathy physicians and centers. 

Eventually Light Emitting Designs became InLight Therapy owned by David and his wife Jane. The other companies that Light Emitting Designs produced systems for all found other production facilities but they are all based on the same original pulsed, polychromatic design.

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