When using Photopuncture or Light Therapy on an animal or person, please respect that they are in a relaxed state and do not interrupt the therapy by tossing more pads onto them (human) or coming up and touching them without warning (human or animal).
We had this happen twice in the month of April 2017. Once when a person was receiving a Light Therapy Session at a tradeshow. There were extra pads not being used and a very well intentioned assistant plopped them on the person in the chair. It was quite a shock into sympathetic mode (the fight or flight response) from the person receiving the therapy who was in a current parasympathetic state.
A couple weeks later we were working on a horse who had become very sleepy eyed, head down, and his lower lip was hanging loose. The lower lip being loose was uncommon for the animal. The horse is a known cribber and we had just released his cervical grove and hyoid, so his lower lip hanging lose was a clear shift from the Photopuncture Session. He looked awfully cute and a student went up to touch and mess with his lower lip. That took him right out of his parasympathetic state. The teacher of the class was at his front left fetlock. All he did was a big upward body stretch from being woken up, but as a prey animal, he could have gone straight into fight or flight mode and injured someone or himself. This also could have stopped the progress we were making that day.