Giving Back to 1st Responders Has Great Rewards!
Are you stuck for a way to reach new prospects – either for your services as a Light Therapist or for selling equipment? Try reaching out to those you know needs and deserve your services.
We live in a VERY small town – so there is a limited base of people to market to face to face. We have set up booths at the county fair, the horse shows and rodeo, and even tried to interest a local medical clinic that existed for a short time. People loved the free session – but no sales resulted. So our local team went back to lighting up people and animals at larger events like trade shows and horse expos – with varied success but a LOT more time and expense.
A few weeks ago, I had to be out of town for a week for a large conference in Phoenix. As we drove out of town, my husband pointed out that there was some smoke to the west of us in the mountains. We sort of noticed but were not concerned as this is a high grassland and mountainous area and spring often comes with (usually) small fires that our local mostly-volunteer fire department deal with effectively. By the next morning I was receiving phone calls from friends and family across the country asking if we were okay and had we evacuated!

Turns out this was NOT just a small fire. Just a couple of miles north of our small town of Sonoita was the first large fire of the year here in Arizona – the Sawmill fire. Within a few days over 700 fire fighters were saving homes and ranches across more than 40 miles and 50,000 acres of rough terrain full of grass from the winter rains. Hundreds of horses and cattle herds were evactuated to our local fairgrounds and hotels all over the area donated rooms to those who had been displaced. And there was no way for us to even get home to help – the highway into town was completely shut down.
We finally made it home, and one of my team members Maggie Michel and I reached out to the local Fire Chief asking if we could “give back” by lighting up those who help protect our area. He was delighted and invited us to their regular Tuesday night meeting to let us make the offer to the crew on call at that time. Needless to say, we were deluged with men and women who wanted to give it a try.
The first week we lit up 3 people and this week we did 6. If we had more chairs and equipment we would have lit up 20. Our offer is that we will go over on Tuesday nights and light up at least 6 people. Each can have at least 3 sessions for free over time. If they have a severe issue, they can have their sessions in my home office during the rest of the week. 3 of us will trade off for the next couple of months working on the crews.
Now this may not seem like a business building exercise – and it certainly is not why we made the offer. But it has already resulted in 2 system rentals ($250 per week), some paid sessions for family members and 2 probable system sales (At least $3000 in commissions that we will split 3 ways.) All at no cost for booths, signage, travel or raffle items. AND we now have a Fire Chief on our side when we have a booth at the State Fire Conference in July!
All this came from giving back and reaching out. It took no effort other than asking to give back. And our First Responders such as Fire, Police, etc. see just as much physical damage and mental punishment as many of our troops overseas – so we know they need the assistance.
Interested in building a business where you help people and animals with light? Or need help building the business you already have? Join as a sustaining member today!