woman silhouette

Human Courses


Online training designed for self-paced study at your desk or on the go!

PTI has Light Therapy courses to meet your every need, from personal use to business professional.

Take the Mystery out of the science behind Photobiomodulation. Understand the practical application of different types of Light Therapy Tools, and the beneficial colors of Light used in Clinical Settings. Unlock the Secret to healing and pain relief. Discover the Power of Photopuncture.

PTI courses are designed to balance practical application with the latest scientific research into how Targeted Light benefits the body.


Photonic Human Start Using Light

The Photonic

Start Here

Learn where to start shining your light.  Locate areas of pain and imbalance in the Human Body.

CLT Professional Level Course

Certified Light Therapist

Grow Your Skills

Learn to use Light as a Professional by adding Photobiomodulation into your Practice or Lighting Up a New Career.

Finding The Human Path CPT

PTI Photopuncture Therapist

Become a Master

Learn how energy flows through the body, how balance Chi by activating Principal Acupoints with Light.

Our Light Therapy courses are designed to help any user to get professional results from any type of Light Therapy Tool. All human courses are included in our courses for horses and pets as well.

The Photonic Human

Start Here 

Certified Light Therapist (CLT)

Grow Your Skills

Photopuncture Therapist 

Become an Energy Master

Learn how to locate areas of pain and imbalance and WHERE to shine your Light.

Light up a new or existing therapy career by taking Photobiomodulation to Professional Levels

Learn how energy (Chi) flows through the body and how to balance that energy by activating acupoints with Light.

Light Therapy Basics

Light is a form of Energy Medicine

Benefits & Uses of Light Therapy

Primary Colors used in Light Therapy

How Far Does Light Make It Into the Body?

Why do we Pulse Light?

Contraindications & Concerns around Light

INCLUDES: The Photonic Human

Light Therapy Basics

Assessing the Human Body for Pain and Imbalance

3 Steps to Optimal Results

Finding the Human Path

Introduction to Energetic Therapy

A Brief History of Healing with Light

Maintaining Health & Wellness with Light

Using Ambient Light – Panels, Beds and Lamps

Understanding Light

We all recognize light whether it comes from the sun, or a lamp.  But which colors are beneficial to living cells and why?  Why are some colors absorbed and others not?  Which are the best color to use in Light Therapy?

Terms & Tools Needed for Photopuncture

Anatomical Directions & Terminology – Human

The “Cun” – an Anatomical Inch

How to choose a Photopuncture Torch

Why do we use 660nm Red Light for Photopuncture?

Overview of Applications & Devices

Light Therapy Applications

Photobiomodulation vs Photopuncture

 Light Therapy Tools

Using Light Therapy Pads

Choose the right tool for your needs

How Light Affects the Cells

Here is where you delve into the nitty-gritty of exactly what happens when a cell absorbs a packet of light (aka a photon).  Do all colors trigger the same response?  How can we use this understanding to create vibrant health?

Acupuncture Using Light

Getting Started with Photopuncture

Looking for Balance

Here you start to explore the connections between structural, emotional, & energetic balance and how light can help restore that balance.

How Much Light do we need for PBM?

Science is beginning to understand how much Light you actually need to stimulate a beneficial reaction in living cells.  But manufacturers often give little, or disingenuous, information about how much light their tools are providing. Here you learn to discern how much is “enough” and not “too much” light.

Introduction to Energy Pathways

How are the Meridians Named?

Yin/Yang – the Duality of Life and Energy

FIVE Elements (really Six)

The Flow of Chi

Acupoints – Where We Access the Meridians

3 Steps to Optimal Results (Best Practices)

There is a direct relationship between shining the right light in the right places, in the right order and the results that you see from both photobiomodulation and photopuncture.  The best outcomes consistently come from using best practices.

Pulsing Light = Frequency

Simply absorbing the needed energy of a photon can benefit cells.  But how does pulsing that light change how the body reacts?  Which frequencies are used and why?

The 6 Elements & Their 12 Meridians

Elemental & Emotional Properties

Principal Points & Flow Charts

Principal Point Indications and Locations

Human Photopuncture
Recipe Charts

Human Health & Balance

Rest & Digest

Situational Anxiety

Colds & Flu

Cough – Persistent

COVID Recovery
Gastritis and Stomach Ache

Happy Points
Headache & Migraine
Human Health & Balance
Lymph Drainage & Support

Pregnancy – Points NOT to Activate
Sore Throat

Gum Disease
Oral Mucositis
Taste Changes

TMD – Temporomandibular Disorders

Different Tools = Different Approaches

There are a plethora of different types and qualities of Light Tools flooding the markets around the globe.  Working with pads versus lasers or panels means using different strategies to achieve the best outcomes.

Putting Photopuncture into Practice

Human Energy Point Groupings & Charts

3 Information Pathways

How is information carried through the body?  Not just by nerves!  Explore the primary three information pathways and how targeted Light can improve communication along each one.

Where Will You Shine YOUR Torch?

Approaches for balancing energy for Humans

Not all Pain is the Same

Pain Hurts.  Or does it?  Not all pain is a direct signal from an area in distress.  Here you will explore how to look at types of pain and how to use different Light Therapy approaches to alleviate them.

Creating Your Own Photopuncture Recipes

Simple Strategies for Choosing & Combining Acupoints

Human Case Studies

Rest & Digest – Where Healing is Possible

Did you know that you have 2 opposing nervous systems and that Light allows us to shift into the one where it is possible to heal from chronic health issues?  How can you use your tools to speed the results from any healing modality?

Lighting up Infections

Research has demonstrated that Light can be anti-microbial and anti-viral!  Which wavelength of Light you choose can be crucial for reducting microbial infections.

The Successful Light Therapy Session

Great results are easier to achieve with proper planning and execution of the sessions that you offer.  Supporting your own energy, setting realistic expectations and combining approaches – and even therapeutic modalities – can speed results and develop long term relationships with clients.

Cleanse ** Nourish ** Balance

How can you actually address a wide variety of physical complaints for humans and animals without a medical degree and extensive training?  By helping support the body’s ability to heal itself when giving the right conditions.


The difference between anecdotal evidence (non-provable stories) and proven results is documentation.  Basic record keeping is crucial to establishing a sucessful practice and being taken seriously by other health professionals.

The Business of Light

There is no one right way to have a Light Therapy Practice.  Whether you want to work with humans or animals, at home or in a client’s home, in person or online, there are certain habits that are important to master.

CYA – Stop Making Claims

CYA – “Cover your A**”.  Yes, this is the boring part where you review what you can … and cannot … say when offering services as a non-licensed health practitioner!

Human CLT Practicum

3 Clients – at least 3 sessions each

Human CPT Practicum

3 Clients – at least 3 sessions each

No Prerequisite – 14 CEUs

No Prerequisite – 25 CEUs

Prerequisite: CLT – 25 CEUs

No Certification offered with this course.

Widen your scope … add Equine & Pet Education for both Light Therapy and Photopuncture.

PTI Courses and Certifications

Certified Light Therapist Programs:

ALL students looking to become Certified in Light Therapy (for any specied) MUST take the Certified Light Therapist Course and complete a hands-on practicum with at least 3 different human clients. 

Light affects living tissue in humans in the same way as it does for other species. To add recognition for Horses and/or Pets the student must complete the corresponding Basic Course for that species (The Horse and/or The Photonic Pet) as well as complete a hands-on practicum for each desired species.

We guide you every step of the way …

Our on-line courses include printed material with charts, instruction videos and Zoom Webinars. We offer an interactive platform that allows students to communicate among themselves and with the instructor.